table appears and you are able to select up to ten IP Ports for
Prioritized port numbers can be in the range 0 - 65535 inclusive. The
specified ports will be given either normal or high priority depending on
the value selected in the Priority drop-down list. If the specified port
numbers are given high priority, all other port numbers will have normal
priority. Conversely, if the specified port numbers are given normal
priority, all other port numbers will have high priority. it is therefore
possible to increase or decrease the priority of the specifified IP Port
numbers relative to all other traffic.
To quickly populate the Custom QoS TCP/IP table, use the Prioritize
Traffic drop-down-list. The list contains some useful presets.
Note: Because the use of TCP/IP and UDP/IP is so widespread, this
method of traffic prioritization is most likely to provide useful
Packets are prioritized using the DSCP (Differentiated Services Code
Point) value.
The Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) is a six bit field that is
contained within an IP (TCP or UDP) header. Six bits allows the DSCP
field to take any value in the range 0 - 63 inclusive. When QoS Mode is set
to DSCP, the DSCP Configuration table appears which allows a priority
(normal or high) to be set for each of the DSCP values.
You can use the Prioritize Traffic drop-down list to quickly set the values
in the DSCP Configuration table. Select All Normal Priority to set all
values to normal priority or select All High Priority to set all values to high
priority. Use Custom if you want to set each value individually.