AirLink Helix User Guide
26 2140847
WAN Failover
WAN Failover allows the Helix to intelligently manage two Internet connections,
switching from one to the other as needed. After enabling this mode, Helix will
continually test the primary Internet connection. If tests fail, Helix will
automatically switch to the secondary connection while continuing to test the
primary connection and switch back to the primary connection when connectivity
is returned.
Set APN (GSM only) APN or Access Point Name is specific to GSM networks. Custom access
points can be used to create VPN connections or to provide specific routing
functionality. Contact your cellular carrier for more information about how
these work.
Network User ID Enter the user name needed the authenticate on your APN. This is provided
by your cellular operator.
Network Password This setting shows up on Helix boxes with GSM and CDMA technology. Fill in
the password that accompanies the custom connection information.
Keepalive IP Address The IP address that the Helix will ping to determine if there is internet
connectivity. By default, this is set to a Sierra Wireless server, but this can be
changed. If the Helix is setup for WAN failover, or any custom cellular settings
(ie Datalink or custom APN), make sure this IP address is accessible.
Keepalive Ping Time This is the amount of time between keep-alive pings in seconds. This setting
prevents the cellular modem from going into a low power, or hibernation
mode by regularly sending out ICMP pings. By default, this is configured to
3600 seconds or an hour. If the ping fails, the Helix will send an additional
three pings to the specified address. If those pings fail, the Helix will restart
the cellular connection automatically.
Command Description