Make a connection
1. Open GC75 Manager.
2. If requested enter your SIM Card PIN and
click OK. The Status screen is displayed.
3. Select the connection you require from
the drop down list and click Connect.
4. Click Disconnect on the Status screen to
end the connection or right click on the
Dial-up Networking icon in the System
Tray and select Disconnect.
GC75 Manager icon
The GC75 Manager icon appears in your
laptop’s System Tray whenever the GC75 is
active. The icon displays the status of the
GC75 and allows you to change the radio
transmitter’s status.
GC75 Manager
You can also use GC75 Manager to:
• Modify Telephony Settings
• Work with the SIM Phonebook
• Send and receive SMS messages
See the GC75 User’s Guide for more details.
More information
The User’s Guide and the AT-Commands
Manual are located on the GC75 CD-ROM.
You can read or print them from there or copy
them over to your laptop.
The latest information about the GC75 is
available from the Sony Ericsson web site:
Any upgrades to the GC75’s software are also
available from this site.
GC75 Manager