Star Micronics SB-10 Printer User Manual

with the corresponding hexadecimal value in Appendix B, you can
confirm that you’re entering the code correctly.
It’s important to remember that decimal and hexadecimal codes
are simply different expressions of the same ASCII code-and there
are other expressions of ASCII codes as well.
“Escape” codes and “Control” codes
Many ASCII codes can be entered quickly and easily into your
software package with the use of either the escape key or the control
key-in conjunction with other keys on your computer keyboard.
Escape codesand control codes have their decimal and hexadecimal
equivalents, as shown in Table 2-2. (When you see the < ESC>
instruction, you are to press the escape key before typing the
companion character;
“ * ” instructs you to hold the control key down
while typing the companion character.)
Table 2-2. Examples of escape and control codes.
This printer is designed to perform the entire range of printing
functions with all commercially available word processing packages.
And whether you’re penning the next blockbuster novel or just writing
home to Mom, we think it will more than meet your needs.
Word processing packages usually have an internal program for
setting up -or
“installing”-your printer, and dealers will often
perform this installation at no extra charge. But to give you a better
understanding of the process, the following pages offer some gen-
eral advice about installing your word processing programs.
If your word processing package has an installation program, the
first thing it will want to know is the kind of printer you are using.
Some installation programs present you with a list of specific brands
and models of printers. If you don’t see this printer on the list, you
should still feel free to experiment with any of the dot matrix models
on the list.
Another option you have is to type in a “generic” name, such as
“standard”, “simple”, “teletype”, or “vanilla”. These options all