Sun Microsystems 2 Tablet Accessory User Manual

Using the Signature Test Tool
This chapter provides a synopsis of each of the SigTest tool commands along with
their available options and arguments. It contains these sections:
Signature Test Tool Basics
Setup Command
SignatureTest Command
SetupAndTest Command
Merge Command
Report Formats
Also see Appendix A for examples of each SigTest tool command that you can run.
Signature Test Tool Basics
The SigTest tool operates from the command line to generate or manipulate
signature files. A signature file is a text representation of the set of public and
protected features provided by an API. Test suite developers include it in a finished
test suite as a signature reference for comparison to the technology implementation
under test. The following list shows the commands that are available.
Setup - Creates a signature file from either an API defined by a specification or a
reference API implementation.
SignatureTest - Compares the reference API represented in the signature file to
the API under test and produces a report. This is the test that becomes part of a
finished test suite.
SetupAndTest - Executes the Setup and SignatureTest commands in one