Sun Microsystems PCI Network Card User Manual

Chapter 4 InfiniBand Software Overview 17
InfiniBand Transport Framework
IBTF is the Solaris implementation of the InfiniBand Transport Layer (IBTL). IBTF
consists of InfiniBand Device Manager (IBDM), InfiniBand Communications
Manager (IBCM) and an InfiniBand Nexus driver. The Nexus driver along with
IBDM creates and manages InfiniBand devices. The following devices are supported:
IB I/O controller (IOC) devices
IB pseudo devices
IB service devices
HCA, port, virtual physical point of attachment (VPPA) service devices
See ib(4) and ib(7d) for details.
IBCM provides a transport layer abstraction to IB clients to set up reliable connected
channels along with service, multicast, and path lookup-related functionality. See
ibcm(7d) for details.
InfiniBand Management Framework
IBMF is a complementary component to IBTF that enables IB clients to provide and
access management services over the IB fabrics. It has two logical components. One
component deals with sending and receiving management data to any type of
management entity. The other component deals with sending and receiving
management data to the Subnet Administrator (SA) only. Since every IB client needs
to send and receive management data to the SA, IBMF provides functions that
specifically handle the SA interaction.
Tavor HCA Driver
The Tavor HCA driver controls the Tavor hardware and enables the transfer of data
over the IB wire. This driver interfaces with the IBTF and provides an
implementation of Channel Interfaces that are defined by IBTF. It also enables
management applications and agents to access the IB fabric.