Disable the Shelf Manager on the SCM
6. To determine the version of SCM’s on-board Shelf Manager, enter:
rsys_debug -h
7. After determining the version, enter the appropriate command.
8. Once the software tool has completed its initialization, the host address is displayed. Make a note
of this address for an upcoming step. Typically the address is located at either 0x82 or 0x84.
9. At the cmd prompt, enter m.
10. At the menu prompt, enter 40.
11. The following prompt displays:
Set SCM ShMgr Mode -
Enter address (in hex):
Enter the host address you previously noted for step 8 in hex format. For example, if the address
listed was 0x82, enter 82.
12. The following prompt displays:
Enter ShMC Mode (Enable 0, Disable 1):
Enter 1 to disable the on-board Shelf Manager. The menu prompt displays upon completion of the
13. To verify the on-board Shelf Manager is disabled, enter 41.
14. The following text displays:
Get SCM ShMgr Mode -
Enter address (in hex):
Enter the same host address you entered for step 11. If the on-board Shelf Manager is disabled,
this message displays:
SCM ShMgr Mode: Disabled
15. Enter q to exit the rsys_debug mode.
16. If a second SCM is installed, connect to it and run through the same set of procedures described in
steps 1 through 15.
17. Cycle the power on the shelf to restart the non-RadiSys Shelf Manager.
18. Verify switch operation. See page 7 for more information.
For version Enter this command Result
0.96 or below rsys_debug Takes you directly to IPMI serial interface.
0.97 or above rsys_debug -i 127.1 Enables LAN access.