
To verify that the new policy is working:
1. Reconfigure wireless clients to match these new settings (ESSID, etc.) as shown in
Figure 2.
2. Reissue the ping test done in “Verifying the Connections” to confirm that a wireless client
can still reach the wired LAN. Or, use the GUI to confirm connectivity with mobile units.
To verify the connectivity of mobile units using the GUI, click Mobile Units (highlighted)
on the left panel of the WS 5000 main screen (shown below). The MU View screen
3. Select a mobile
unit and click
Properties. The
MU Properties
screen appears.
From the MU Properties screen, the identity and
connection status of the selected mobile unit
can be verified. Notice the wide variety of
identification, status, and traffic information
available for this mobile device.
The WS 5000 is now fully operational and secured with WEP 128. No additional configuration is
required unless desired. To create additional policies, refer to the System Reference Guide on
the CD included with this WS 5000.