
7 – Troubleshooting
This chapter lists frequently asked ques-
tions related to recording with Cubase LE,
with answers to these questions.
Q. I have finished making input
settings, but the meter of the
audio track is not moving.
A. Make sure that the monitor button of
the track is enabled.
Q. I would like to record two
channels simultaneously for a
stereo recording.
A. Before you record, press the stereo/
mono select button of the track so that the
yellow indicator is lit. In this case, the
track input is shown as In 1 + In 2 or a
similar indication.
Q. I am trying to use the EQ,
but it does not seem to do any-
A. Check the VST channel settings etc. to
make sure that EQ bypass is not enabled.
Q. I mixed-down a song that
was three minutes long, but
the result was only ten seconds
A. Make sure that the left and right locator
region is set to the entire range that you
want to mix down.
Q. I cannot set the locator
region to more than ten min-
A. The default setting is ten minutes.
From the Project menu, choose Project
Setup and adjust the length of the project.
Stereo/mono selectStereo/mono select
EQ bypassEQ bypass
7 – Troubleshooting