Technicolor - Thomson ST536 Network Router User Manual

E-DOC-CTC-20061027-0003 v2.0
User Commands
user flush
Flush the users.
When this Telnet session is terminated and a new Telnet session is initiated, the following welcome screen
will appear:
The user will not have to authenticate himself to gain access to the Thomson ST.
After execution of this command, the access to the Thomson ST will no longer be protected by a
password. The first user that logs on, after initiating a new Telnet session, will have the same
administrative rights as a user with the role root.
user flush
{Administrator}=>user list
User Flags Role
---- ----- ----
Administrator U Administrator
tech R TechnicalSupport
JohnDoe Administrator
{Administrator}=>user flush
{Administrator}=>user list
Username :
* ______ SpeedTouch 620
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* / /\\ Version
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* _/ /\_____/___ \ Copyright (c) 1999-2004,
* // / \ /\ \ THOMSON
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