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Error Message
(Sandard Setting)
FILE BUSY A designated file is already occupied by other terminal.
IRC CONNECT ERR Ternsmission cannot be executed due to the connection error (Disconnection
of the line, or Master Terminal’s power is OFF, etc.)
IRC ERROR RKP Transmission Error (Data cannot be transmitted from the Satellite
Terminal to the Master Terminal.)
MASTER IS BUSY An inquiry file is being used.
PLEASE BACK UP RTR Declaration can not be canceled due to the Backup Error.
RKP BUFFER FULL RKP pool buffer of the Master Terminal or the Backup Master Terminal is full.
<Satellite Terminals or Backup Master Terminal>
• IN-LINE Lamp
1) Illuminated during “HOLD” condition
2) Extinguished after completing in-line services
3) Blinking during in-line services
■ Error Messages
The following table shows the Error Messages to be displayed on in-line terminals, in additions to
those displayed on Standalone ECRs.
(to be added to the table for the Standalone Level)
Cause of Error