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Barry’s Rigs ‘n Reviews
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Copyright © 2003-2007 by Barry Little. All Rights Reserved.
Battery Life
Designing a notebook has always been a delicate balancing act between size, weight,
performance, heat, and battery life. It’s nearly impossible to maximize one area
without making compromises in others to achieve that balance. While the Acer
Ferrari 4000 is no exception, it does strike a reasonable balance between power and
power usage for a laptop chocked with hi-performance components, while running
fairly cool, even under full load.
Although the Ferrari 4000’s battery has a rated recharge time of 2.5 hours and
runtime of 3.5 hours, as you’ve probably guessed or have experienced if you already
own a laptop computer (or any other battery-powered gadget), advertised battery
life and recharge times don’t always jibe with the ones in the real world.
I use the Ferrari 4000 connected to a power outlet about 85% of the time. On
battery, I average roughly around 2 to 3 hours battery life before getting the usual
low battery warnings, depending on what I happen to be doing on the notebook, and
how many applications I’m running on it at any given time. Two hours or less is the
norm if I’m doing anything disk or graphic intensive. I can usually squeeze in a 90-
minute DVD movie before having to hunt for a wall socket, and am doing good if I
can get through a couple of levels of a game. Depending on how low the battery
gets, it does take anywhere from an hour to two and a half hours to recharge.
Depending on individual usage, battery life and recharge time is one area where your
mileage definitely can, and will vary.