Port: Select
the port as the trunk group member. It is multi-optional.
Clearing all the ports of the trunk group will delete this trunk group.
Calculate the bandwidth for a trunk group: If a trunk consists of the four ports whose Speed/Duplex
mode is 1000Mbps/Full Duplex, the whole bandwidth of the trunk group is up to 8000Mbps
(2000Mbps * 4) because the bandwidth of each member port is 2000Mbps counting the up-linked
speed of 1000Mbps and the down-linked speed of 1000Mbps.
4.5 Monitoring
Monitoring module monitors the traffic information of the switch, and provides the convenient
method to locate and solve the network problem, includes four submenus: Port Statistics, Port
Mirror, Cable Test and Loop Prevention.
4.5.1 Port Statistics
On this page you can view the statistic information of each port, which facilitates you to monitor the
traffic and locate faults promptly.
Choose the menu System→Monitoring→Port Statistics to load the following page.
Figure 4-7 Port Statistics Info
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Port Statistics Info
Port: Displays the port number of the switch.
Status: Displays whether the port is enabled or disabled.