
Symptom Possible Reasons Suggested Solutions
“0.0" is flashing in the
display window.
Unit is not receiving an
echo which could be
caused by a variety of
Sensitivity Adjustment
was turned too much in
one direction, actually
squelching out the echo.
Transducer is defective,
therefore not transmit-
ting or receiving echoes.
Installation of the trans-
ducer is incorrect,
therefore not allowing a
pulse to be transmitted
or received.
Unit is defective and
needs to be returned to
the factory for repair.
Correctly adjust the
Sensitivity Control so
that the numbers in the
display window start to
appear and are reading
the correct depth.
Try a “known good”
transducer hooked up to
the gauge and see if the
depth appears in the
window. It is important
to “wet” the transducer
immediately before im-
mersing in the water.
Make sure that the
transducer is installed
per the instructions in
this manual. Inside-
the-Hull Transducers
must be properly
bonded and attached to
the hull as described in
the section on Inside-
the-Hull mounting, or
must be properly in-
stalled by the boat
manufacturer if the
equipment was installed
at the boat factory.
If all of the above tests
resulted in “0.0" remain-
ing in the window, return
the unit for repair.
Unit is showing “88.8"
in the display window.
A logic circuit failure
probably caused by a
poor solder connection,
lack of solder, or im-
proper wiring.
Return unit to the fac-
tory for repair.