Firmware Upgrade
The Firmware Upgrade capability is used to update the
software in your WNP1000 Wireless AP. To upgrade the
Firmware, first download the new Firmware from the support
web site, www.uniden.com, to your hard drive, and then click
on Firmware Update. The following page will be displayed.
Once the “Firmware Update” page is displayed, you may
enter the file location directory path or click Browse to browse
the file system to the location of the firmware file to be
uploaded into WNP1000 Wireless AP.
When you receive the warning shown below, click OK to
dismiss the warning.
Once the warning is dismissed and you have entered the file
name (or selected it via the Browse button), click the Update
button on the “Firmware Update” page to start the upgrade
The dialog box shown below will appear to confirm that you
want to perform the upgrade. Click OK to continue the upgrade
DO NOT click any other buttons on your browser until the
upgrade process is complete. The access point will
automatically display the web pages shown below. The
process will take several minutes to complete.