Chapter 5. How to programning ?
5. How to to
There are two major parts for programming – 1. Programming MR350 MKII and 2.
Programming communication program between MR350 MKII and Host computer. The
following topic describe application and utility library that will help users to develop quickly
and efficiently for their applications.
5.1. Programming MR350 MKII
MR350 MKII’s OS is an open architecture and it provides a MS-DOS compatible
platform, user can write a program run on MR350 MKII to fully control its
input/output facilities or have a complicate accumulation, data validation or table
look up features for your application program. So, users can use standard C, C++
or Assembly language development tools to develop their application. In Chapter
3, it describes detail DOS/BIOS call of MR350MKII, user can directly refer to this
chapter to implement application program. If user dosen’t familiar or skillful in
programming language. Unitech also a program generator tool – Job Generator
Pro (JobGen Pro). The MR350 MKII allows the user to write his application
program by the following programming tools.
??JobGen Pro, a DOS base program generator that requiring the minimum
programming skills. Please contact your local distributor or dealer for more
detailed information.
??Microsoft C version 5.x, 6.x, 7.x or 8.x for MSDOS application
??Microsoft Visual C/C++ V1.52 or below for MSDOS application
??Borland C/C++ or Turbo C/C++ for MSDOS application
??Macro Assembler for MSDOS application