FTP Server
7.1 Creating a new FTP account
The FTP Tab allows you to easily setup your
FTP Server. You may manage accounts and
control the files/folders that are being shared.
( Figure 7.1-A )
Default account settings
User name: anonymous
Password: “empty”
(1) Click "New" ( Figure 7.1-B )
(2) Enter the desired "Name" and "Password".
Select whether you want the account
holder to have Read Only access or
Read/Write access. When finished,
click "Add". ( Figure 7.1-C )
( Figure 7.1-B )
7. FTP Server
1. The Access authority of “Read Only” means that
the user can only read files from the NAS only.
“Read/Write” means that the user is able to read
and write to the NAS freely.
2. Spaces is not an acceptable character.
( Figure 7.1-C )
( Figure 7.1-A )