VXI TVS600 Electronic Accessory User Manual

Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands
TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference
Commands in the [SENse:] system appear in the references that
see AADVance
see AVERage
see DATA
see FUNCtion
see ROSCillator
see SWEep
see VOLTage
Commands in the STATus subsystem can determine the state of the
waveform analyzer and control what events can interrupt the system
controller. For an overview of the status and event reporting system,
refer to your user manual.
:CONDition? <none>
:ENABle[?] <NRf>|<hex>
:NTRansition[?] <NRf>|<hex>
:PTRansition[?] <NRf>|<hex>
:PTRansition[?] <NRf>|<hex>
:PRESet <none>