VXI TVS600 Electronic Accessory User Manual

Quick Reference to TVS600 & TVS600A Commands
TVS600 & TVS600A Series Waveform Analyzers Reference
Commands in the TRIGger:B subsystem operate in combination with
the ARM, INITiate, TRIGger[:A] and ABORt subsystems to trigger
acquisitions. The TRIGger:B subsystem is an alias for the SCPI
SEQuence2 trigger block. The defined alias for the SCPI trigger
:SEQuence[2] is :B.
<AC | DC>
:ECOunt[?] <NRf>
[:STATe][?] <boolean>
:LEVel[?] <NRf>
:SLOPe[?] <NEGative | POSitive>
:SOURce[?] <EXTernal | IMMediate | INTernal1