Wasp Bar Code WLP 4170 CCD Scanner User Manual

Setup & Configuration
—Interleaved 2 of 5
Verify Check Digit
Transmit Check Digit
Option Alpha/Numeric Entry
(Back Flap)
Disable 00
Enable 01*
Disable 00
Enable 01*
Disable 00*
Enable 01
NOTE: For help in configuring these settings, consult the programming
steps on page 5.
I n t e rl e aved 2 of 5 is a va ri a b le length, even numbered, nu m e r ic bar code. It is typically used in
i n d u s t rial and master carton labeling and also in the automobile industry. The symbology uses
bars to represent the first digit of a pair and the interl e a ved (white) spaces to represent the
second digit of a character pair. See page 24 for info rmation on setting the minimum and
m a x i m um lengths.