Wasp Bar Code WLS 9500 Scanner User Manual

WLS 9500 Product Reference Guide2-6
When scanning using a multi-line scan mode, at least one scan line must cross every bar and space of the symbol.
Figure 2-4. Acceptable and Incorrect Multi-Line Aiming
Regardless of the scan mode, the scan line is smaller when the scanner is closer to the symbol and larger when it is farther
from the symbol. Scan symbols with smaller bars or elements (mil size) closer to the scanner, and those with larger bars
or elements (mil size) farther from the scanner.
Do not hold the scanner directly over the bar code. Laser light reflecting directly back into the scanner from the bar code
is known as specular reflection. This specular reflection can make decoding difficult.
Scan line lengths vary depending on the scan line width selected. A full scan line width is the
default. Medium and short scan line widths are useful for scanning menus or pick-lists.
For more information about scan line widths and scanning modes, see page 4-7 and page 4-8,