Set the Drive Jumpers
Western Digital is currently shipping hard drives with two types of
connectors. Your hard drive may have either a 6-pin or a 10-pin
connector. The first 6 pins on each of the jumper blocks are identical.
The additional four pins on the 10-pin connector are reserved for
future enhancements.
The Western Digital hard drive is factory set for single drive
installation with a jumper in the neutral storage position (across pins
5-3). For standard jumper settings, see Figure 1 on page 2.
Single Hard Drive Installation
If installing the Western Digital hard drive as the only hard drive in
your system, leave the jumper in the neutral storage position for
possible future use. Jumpers are not required for single hard drive
Dual Hard Drive Installation
If installing the Western Digital hard drive with an existing drive,
you must use a jumper to designate which drive is the master (C:),
and which is the slave (D:). We recommend using the new
Western Digital hard drive as the master.
If installing the Western Digital hard drive with a non-Western
Digital hard drive, obtain jumper configuration information from
your original drive manufacturer. Refer to the Tr oub leshoo tin g section
for the phone numbers of non-Western Digital hard drive
To designate the Western Digital hard drive as the master drive in
a two-drive system, place the jumper on pins 5-6.
To designate the Western Digital hard drive as the slave drive in a
two-drive system, place the jumper on pins 3-4.
To Install a Jumper
Carefully place the shunt over the two pins specified in Figure 1.
Push the shunt into place until it is firmly seated against the base of
the jumper block.
Note: The master/slave setting is determined by the jumper configura-
tion, not by the order of the drive on the IDE cable.
Figure 1. Jumper Settings for Western Digital Hard Drives
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