8 www.xilinx.com Getting Started with EDK
EDK 9.2i
Where to Find EDK Documentation
Use index.htm to Find EDK Documentation
A comprehensive set of links to EDK-related documents are provided in your EDK
installation directory at $XILINX_EDK/doc/usenglish/index.htm.
EDK Documentation on the Web
You can find most EDK documentation on the Xilinx web. Look under the heading
“Documentation” at:
In addition to providing links to the documents listed below, this web page provides links
to application notes, reference designs, design examples, and a product brief.
The EDK Documentation Set
The EDK documentation set includes:
• Getting Started with EDK
• Tools documentation and Processor IP Reference Guides
data/ This directory has default option files required by ISE tools.
eclipse/ This directory contains files for the XPS Software
Development Kit (Eclipse-based). Available only on
Windows and Linux platforms.
EDKexamples/ This directory contains sample projects.
gnu/ This directory contains the EST GNU Tools.
hw/ This directory contains MicroBlaze processor and peripheral
hardware components.
The hw/ directory contains the HDL sources for the
hardware IP.
java/ This directory contains Java Runtime 1.4.2 required by SDK.
sw/ This directory contains drivers, BSPs, and software services.
The sw directory contains the drivers required by the IP
installed in the hw directory, the board support packages. It
also contains the source for various modules of the Xilinx
MicroKernel, such as the Networking library and the file
system. Software libraries and initialization files are also
contained in the sw directory.
third_party/ This directory contains the IBM Instruction Set Simulator.
Table 1: EDK Directories (Continued)
Directory Description