Regional Software 343
After you install regional software, you must designate it to be the
current system regional software by selecting System Configuration >
Regional Settings.
Remove You can remove regional software at any time. All versions of the regional
software that you select are removed. For example, if you choose to
remove the “Mexico - Spanish” regional pack, all versions of the selected
regional software are removed from the system.
U.S. English cannot be removed.
When you remove a version of system software, the system verifies
whether the removal might leave any regional software unassigned to a
system software version.
Specific regional languages, tones and cadences, or voice prompts that
were associated with earlier releases may no longer be usable by recent
system software versions. 3Com recommends that you purge unused
regional software to conserve disk space.
You can only remove unused regional software immediately after you
delete a version of system software. If you choose not to remove this
software when prompted, you must either:
■ Wait until you remove a subsequent version of system software before
you can delete any unused regional software.
■ Remove all versions of the selected regional software on the system.
You can then install the required version.
Details The Regional Software Diagnostic Details window displays the status of
each region in the current system software. Table 75
defines the
displayed values.
Table 75 Diagnostic Details
Values Description
In Use The regional software is currently being used by the system.
Available The regional software is fully loaded on the system, but it is
not currently in use.
Not Fully Installed The system can access some parts of the regional software,
but not all. You probably have not loaded the correct
regional software version for the system software you are