Connecting a
Computer to a
Serial Port
On the SuperStack 3 Call Processor, the NBX 100 Call Processor, and on
some of the NBX cards, you can connect a computer to a serial port and,
by running a terminal emulation program on the computer, you can
obtain information about the status of the card or the NBX system.
You can connect a computer directly to the serial port on these cards:
Strip # Full Text: Strip trailing # from Called Party Number in Setup
Either enabled or disabled. An advanced configuration setting
for situations where the telephone company equipment
requires special configuration on the NBX system.
TEI Terminal Equipment Identification number (of BRI board). The
telephone company may provide this number or the system
may assign it, depending on how you purchased the BRI lines.
TEP Version The version of software running on the board.
Time Last Seen Last time activity was recorded for this board.
Timing Mode Internal: Timing is generated from within the digital line card.
Loop: Timing is taken from the central office.
Trunk to Trunk Whether call transfers are allowed from one trunk to another.
Values: Enabled (default), Disabled, Restricted, Unrestricted.
TxGudMin The minimum duration of a transmitted Guard signal.
TxWnkDura The duration of a transmitted Wink signal.
Wink Wait This time out value controls how long the digital line card waits
to respond with a wink signal on an outgoing call. If you see
“no_wink_received” errors, this value may be too small.
Table 80 Configuration and Status Report Headings (continued)
Heading Description
Table 81 Serial Port Connections
Card Port
SuperStack 3 NBX Call Processor COM1
NBX 100 Call Processor COM1
BRI-ST Digital Line Card CONSOLE
E1 Digital Line Card CONSOLE
T1 Digital Line Card CONSOLE
NBX Analog Line Card (3C10114C only) CONSOLE
NBX Analog Terminal Card (3C10117C only) CONSOLE