Examples — The following commands stage a WX switch to use the
auto-config option. The network where the switch is installed has a DHCP
server, so the switch is configured to use the MSS DHCP client to obtain
an IP address, default gateway address, DNS domain name, and DNS
server IP addresses:
1 Configure a VLAN:
WX-1200# set vlan 1 port 7
success: change accepted.
2 Enable the DHCP client on VLAN 1:
WX-1200# set interface 1 ip dhcp-client enable
success: change accepted.
3 Enable the auto-config option:
WX-1200# set auto-config enable
success: change accepted.
4 Save the configuration changes:
WX-1200# save config
success: configuration saved.
See Also
crypto generate key on page 565
crypto generate self-signed on page 568
save config on page 685
set interface dhcp-client on page 171
set vlan port on page 125
set banner
Configures a prompt that is displayed following the MOTD banner. The
user must acknowledge the prompt in order to gain access to the system.
Syntax —
set banner acknowledge mode {enable | disable}
Syntax — set banner acknowledge message “message”
enable — Enables the prompt to acknowledge the MOTD banner.
disable — Disables the prompt to acknowledge the MOTD banner.
“— Delimiting character that begins and ends the prompt message;
for example, double quotes (