set port mirror Configures port mirroring. Port mirroring is a troubleshooting feature that
copies (mirrors) traffic sent or received by a WX port (the source port) to
another port (the observer) on the same WX. You can attach a protocol
analyzer to the observer port to examine the source port’s traffic. Both
traffic directions (send and receive) are mirrored.
Syntax —
set port mirror source-port observer observer-port
source-port — Number of the port whose traffic you want to
analyze. You can specify only one port.
observer-port — Number of the port to which you want the switch
to copy the source port’s traffic.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 4.2.
Usage — The switch can have one port mirroring pair (one source port
and one observer port) at a time. The source port can be a network port,
MAP access port, or wired authentication port. However, the observer
port must be a network port, and cannot be a member of any VLAN or
port group.
Examples — The following command sets port 2 to monitor port 1’s
WX4400# set port 1 observer 2
See Also
clear port name on page 72
display port status on page 79