Network Settings
4-48 41-001160-03, Rev 00, Releaes 2.4
IP Phone Administrator Guide
Aastra Web UI
1 Click on Advanced Settings->Network->HTTPS Settings.
2 The “Validate Certificates” field is enabled by default. To disable validation of certificates, click
the check mark in the box to clear the check mark.
When this parameter is enabled, the HTTPS client performs validation on SSL certificates before
accepting them.
1. This parameter is immediately applied after clicking the SAVE SETTINGS button.
2. If you are using HTTPS as a configuration method, and use a self signed certificate, you
must disable (uncheck) this field before upgrading to Release 2.3 of the IP Phones.
3 The “Check Certificate Expiration” field is enabled by default. To disable validation of certificate
expiration, click the check mark in the box to clear the check mark.
When this parameter is enabled, the HTTPS client verifies whether or not a certificate has expired
prior to accepting the certificate.
1. This parameter is immediately applied after clicking the SAVE SETTINGS button.
2. If the “Check Certificates Expiration” parameter is set to Yes, the clock on the phone must be
set for the phone to accept the certificates.
4 The “Check Certificate Hostnames” field is enabled by default. To disable validation of
hostnames, click the check mark in the box to clear the check mark.
Note: This parameter is immediately applied after clicking the SAVE SETTINGS button.
HTTPS Validation