Operational Features
41-001160-03, Rev 00, Releaes 2.4 5-213
Configuring Operational Features
Configuring DND Using the Configuration Files
You use the following parameters to configure DND on the IP Phone:
• dnd key mode
• softkeyN type, topsoftkeyN type, prgkeyN type, or expmodX keyN type
• softkeyN states (optional)
The following is an example of configuring the mode for DND in the
configuration files:
dnd key mode: 2
softkey1 type: dnd
softkey1 states: idle connected incoming outgoing busy
In the above example, softkey 1 is configured for DND for line 1 only, with a
“custom” configuration. Pressing softkey 1 displays DND screens for which you
can customize on the phone. For specific screens that display in the IP Phone UI,
see the section, “Using DND Modes via the IP Phone UI” on page 5-217.
Note: If there is no DND key configured or if it is removed, DND is
disabled on the IP Phone.
Configuration Files
To set DND in the configuration files, see Appendix A, the sections:
• “DND Key Mode Settings” on page A-154.
• “Softkey/Programmable Key/Feature Key/Expansion Module Key Parameters” on page A-192.