2-6-2 BP Data List
The BP Data List function displays individual blood pressure measurement within an open data file in
tabular form. With the BP Data List, you may input measurement comments, exclude/include a
measurement within the graphics and statistics or link a measurement to the beginning of the Trends
The following table defines each heading within the Blood Pressure Data List:
Item Description
# Measurement number
DATE/TIME Date and time of the measurement
SYS Systolic blood pressure
DIA Diastolic blood pressure
MAP Mean arterial blood pressure, obtained by MAP=DIA+(SYS-DIA)/3
PUL Pulse
Double Product, obtained by DP=SYS∗PUL/100
STATUS The status line has 3 positions. When filled with a character other than “–”,
each denotes a specific occurrence or condition.
Position 1
BP method,
O or K
Denotes the BP method used for the specific measurement. “K” refers to
Korotkoff method, “O” refers to oscillometric method.
Position 2
E (Event)
Indicates that data was measured when the monitor’s EVENT button was
Position 3
Error code
Denotes the specific error code that occurred during the monitoring session,
see “3-1 Measurement Errors”.
Exclude When this column has an “X”, the measurement has been excluded from the
statistics and graphs.
Comments Space provided for user to enter patient diagnostic notations up to 20
Vertical scroll
The vertical scroll bar on the right hand side of the screen helps scroll through
the measurements. This may also be performed with the up and down arrow
keys, as well as the mouse.
Save button Saves any edits, i.e. comments, exclusions or inclusions.
Close button Closes the screen.
Note: Edits (comments, exclusions or inclusions) will not be saved.
Help button Opens the Blood Pressure Data List help screen.