(B) Example: Programming the Monitor for Three (3) Periods
Suppose that the start time of the monitoring session is 09:00 and you would like the monitor to
measure the patient's blood pressure every 30 minutes until 22:00, and from 22:00 to 07:00 once an
hour, and from 07:00 you would like the blood pressure measured every 15 minutes. Remember that
the Time for Period One (1) also defines the End of the monitoring session. The end time for Period
Three (3) will default to the Time for Period One (1), in this case 09:00.
1 09:00-22:00 30 minutes 13 hours
2 22:00-07:00 1 hour 9 hours
3 07:00-09:00 15 minutes 2 hours
Total: 24 hours
The following is the recorder setup according to these instructions.
Note: Set Periods One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) only. Leave the other Periods as “-”.
1 9 30 minutes
2 22 1 hour
3 7 15 minutes
4- -
5- -
6- -
Figure 24: Monitor programming example 2