
960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 www.ShoreTel.com
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9. Click on the “Apply” radio button. This action will change the page to the main “Trunk Accounts” and
you will get the message “SIP Trunk updated successfully”.
We will now add the “ISDN” trunk account:
1. Define a “Trunk Name:” that is appropriate, we chose ShoreTel.
2. Set the “Type:” to “ISDN”
3. Click on the “Add” radio button.
This action brings up the “Trunk Accounts > Txx” page which includes a “Trunk Status” section and “Edit Trunk”
section. We‟ll begin with the “Trunk Status” section:
1. The “Operational Status:” may be “Unavailable” after you apply ALL of the settings it will become
2. Verify that the “Administrative Status:” is “Enabled”.
3. Click on the “Apply” radio button. You will get the message “Administrative status set successfully”.
Scroll down to the “Edit Trunk Section”: