960 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Phone +1.408.331.3300 +1.877.80SHORE Fax +1.408.331.3333 www.ShoreTel.com
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4.0 Enhanced Services and Features
Caller ID Name and
Number – Inbound
Verify that Caller ID name and number is received
Caller ID Name and
Number – Outbound
Verify that Caller ID name and number is sent properly.
Verify successful hold and resume of a connected call.
Verify outbound calls that are being forwarded are
redirected and connected to the appropriate destination.
Verify a call connected to the ShoreTel phone can be
transferred to an alternate destination.
Call Transfer –
Verify a call connected to the ShoreTel phone can be
transferred consultatively to an alternate destination.
Verify successful ad hoc conference of three parties.
Verify the Total Access System provides inbound “dialed
number information” and is correctly routed to the
configured destination.
Verify that outbound calls to 911 are routed to the correct
PSAP for the calling location and that caller ID
information is delivered.
Verify that 0+ calls are routed to an operator for calling
Inbound / Outbound call
with Blocked Caller ID
Verify that calls with Blocked Caller ID route properly
and the answering phone does not display any Caller ID
Inbound call to a Hunt
Verify that calls route to the proper Hunt Group and are
answered by an available hunt group member with audio
in both directions.
Inbound call to a
Verify that calls route to the proper Workgroup and are
answered successfully by an available workgroup agent
with audio in both directions.
Inbound call to DNIS /
DID and leave a voice
mail message
Verify that inbound calls to a user, via DID / DNIS,
routes to the proper user mailbox and a message can be
left with proper audio.
Verify that inbound calls are forwarded to a user‟s
“FindMe” destination.
Verify that inbound calls are immediately forwarded to a
user‟s external destination.
Inbound / Outbound Fax
Verify that inbound / outbound fax calls complete
ShoreTel Converged
Conferencing Server
Verify that inbound calls are properly forwarded to the
ShoreTel Converged Conferencing Server and it properly
accepts the access code with audio to all involved parties.
Inbound call to Bridged
Call Appearance (BCA)
Verify that inbound calls are properly presented to all of
the phones that have BCA configured and that the call
can be answered, placed on-hold and then transferred.