
9-14 Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 8
Executing Sample Programs
Vth and Capacitance Measurement Program
To change the capacitance measurement setup
You can EDIT the program to change the following parameters in the "Constant
Definition" block of the Meas_c subprogram.
To change the E5250A input port/output port connections, change the Channel$
parameter. And if you want to change the E5250A connection functions (Channel
Configuration mode, etc.), modify the Set5250init subprogram.
Parameter Description Default
Test_comm$ Comment for the measurement. "Capacitance
Capa_max The maximum capacitance limit in F. 2.0E-11
Capa_min The minimum capacitance limit in F. 8.0E-12
Sig_volt Signal level for C measurement in V. 0.03
Meas_freq Frequency for C measurement in Hz. 1.0E+5
Cable_len Length (in meters) of 16048D/E cable. 1
Clen_hptriax Length (in meters) of 16494A cable
connected from E5252A output to
connector plate.
Clen_usrtriax_h Length (in meters) of triaxial cable
connected from connector plate to
DUT (High terminal of capacitor).
Clen_usrtriax_l Length (in meters) of triaxial cable
connected from connector plate to
DUT (Low terminal of capacitor).
Clen_usrcoax_h Length (in meters) of coaxial cable
connected from connector plate to
DUT (High terminal of capacitor).
Clen_usrcoax_l Length (in meters) of coaxial cable
connected from connector plate to
DUT (Low terminal of capacitor).
Channel$ E5250A channel_list to use. "(@10905,11006)"