
AI2524 Router Card User’s Manual
Page 7-6 August 1997
transferred successfully. A series of
characters indicates that a
checksum verification of the image is occurring after the image is writ-
ten to Flash memory.
Note: If you enter n after the
Erase flash before
prompt, the copy process continues. If you
enter y and confirm the erasure, the erase routine begins.
Be sure you have enough Flash memory space before
entering n at the erasure prompt.
This example demonstrates the process of copying a system image
named gs7-k into the current Flash configuration when a file named
gs7-k already exists:
env-chassis# copy tftp flash
IP address or name of remote host []?
Name of file to copy? gs7-k
File gs7-k already exists; it will be invalidated!
Copy gs7-k from into flash memory? [confirm]
2287500 bytes available for writing without erasure.
Erase flash before writing? [confirm]n
Loading from!!!!...
[OK - 1906676/2287500 bytes]
Verifying via checksum...
Flash verification successful. Length = 1902192, checksum = 0x12AD
The exclamation point (
) indicates that the copy process is taking
place. Each exclamation point (
) indicates that 10packets have been
transferred successfully. A series of
characters indicates that a
checksum verification of the image is occurring after the image is writ-
ten to Flash memory.
In this example, the Flash security jumper is not installed, so you can-
not write files to Flash memory. Also, be sure to set the write-protect
switch on the Flash memory card to unprotected.
Router# copy tftp flash
Flash: embedded flash security jumper(12V) must be strapped to modify flash memory
Note: To terminate this copy process, press <Ctrl-^> (th
<Ctrl>, <Shift>, and <6> keys on a standard keyboard)
simultaneously. Although the process terminates, the
partial file copied before the termination remains until th
entire Flash memory is erased.