3. SETUP continued …
Updating ARC:
Check www.anthemAV.com periodically for ARC software updates. The download contains revision history,
which may also indicate that the processor requires an update for the ARC version to work correctly.
If a newer version is posted and you would like to use it, check your current version:
• Run Anthem Room Correction in Advanced mode.
• Click on Help then click on About. The version number will be displayed.
Proceed only if your version is not the latest:
• Download the latest software from our web site to Desktop.
• When download is complete, right-click on the downloaded .zip file and extract it to Desktop.
• Open the extracted folder and double click on setup. Software installation instructions will appear
on your screen. If you are installing ARC on the computer for the first time, copy your two
serialized files from your software CD to the extracted folder on Desktop before double-clicking
on setup. This way they will be added to Program Files automatically.
• When installation is complete, you can delete the downloaded file and the extracted folder.
With ARC v1.2 the Program Files folder is
My Computer, Local drive C:\Program Files\Anthem\AnthemRoomCorrection
instead of
My Computer, Local drive C:\Program Files\Anthem\AnthemStatement\AnthemRoomCorrection
as used with prior versions. If you installed a prior version, be sure to move your two serialized files into the
new folder.
See section 6 for instructions on updating the processor.