The following codes are for setting operation of other components with the processor’s remote control. If codes for your
components are not in this library, see sections 5.1 and 5.2.
To enter a 5-digit code:
1. Press the control mode key near the top of the remote (e.g. DVD).
2. Press and hold LEARN until the LED flashes twice.
3. Enter the 5-digit code. Two LED blinks indicate that the code is accepted.
Anthem Processors:
D1/2, AVM 20/30/40/50 – MAIN 31185
D1/2, AVM 20/30/40/50 – ZONE2 31186
D1/2, AVM 20/30/40/50 – ZONE3 31187
AVM 2 – MAIN 31096
AVM 2 – ZONE2 31097
Audio Amplifiers:
Accuphase 30382
Acurus 30765
Adcom 31100, 30577
Aiwa 30406
AudioSource 30011
Bel Canto Design 31583
Bose 30674
Carver 30269
Classe 31461, 31462
Curtis Mathes 30300
Denon 30160
Durabrand 31561
GE 30078
Harman/Kardon 30892
JVC 30331
Kenwood 30356
Korsun 31483
Left Coast 30892
Lenoxx 31561
Linn 30269
Logitech 31408
Luxman 30165
Magnavox 30269
Marantz 30892, 30321, 30269
Mark Levinson 31483
Nakamichi 30321
NEC 30264
Optimus 30395, 30300
Panasonic 30521, 30308
Parasound 30246
Philips 30892, 30269
Pioneer 30013, 30300
Polk Audio 30892, 30269
PS Audio 31523
RCA 30300
Realistic 30395
Sansui 30321
Shure 30264
Sony 30689, 30220, 30815
Soundesign 30078, 30211
Technics 30521, 30308
Victor 30331
Wards 30078, 30211, 30013
Yamaha 30354, 30143, 30133, 30504,
YBA 31502
Audio Amp/Tuners:
ADC 30531
Adcom 31616, 30616, 31617
Aiwa 31405, 30158, 30189, 31243,
31089, 31388, 30121, 30405,
31321, 31641, 31347
Akai 30224, 30076, 31512, 31255
Alco 31390
Amphion Media Works31615, 31563
AMW 31563, 31615
Anam 31609, 31074, 30281
Apex Digital 31430, 31257
Arcam 31120
Audiophase 31387
Audiotronic 31189
Audiovox 31390, 31627
AVLight 30158
Bel Canto Design 31584
Bose 31229, 31253, 30639
Brix 31602
Cambridge Soundwks 31477, 31370
Capetronic 30531
Carver 31189, 30189, 30042, 31089,
30008, 30360
Casio 30195
Clarinette 30195
Classic 31352
Coby 31513, 31389, 31263
Compaq 31136
Criterion 31420
Curtis 31596
Curtis Mathes 30080
Daewoo 31250
Dell 31383
Denon 31360, 30004, 31104, 30771,
31311, 30273, 31142, 30301
Dynamic Bass 30360
Emerson 30424, 30255
Fisher 31409, 30360, 30219, 31801,
Fonmix 31360
Fosgate 31487
Garrard 30424, 30281, 30463, 30146,
Gateway 31517, 31567
GE 31379
Glory Horse 31263
Go Video 31532
GoldStar 30281
GPX 31299
Hafler 30146
Harman/Kardon 30110, 30189, 30891
Hewlett Packard 31181
Hitachi 31801, 31273
Initial 31426
Inkel 30027, 30062, 30502, 30491
Integra 30135, 31298
JBL 30110, 31306, 30281
JVC 30074, 31282, 31263, 31495,
Kansai 30440
Kenwood 31313, 31570, 31569, 30027,
31051, 30077, 30313, 31027,
30042, 30239, 30569, 31052,
30186, 30314
KLH 31412, 31390, 31428
Koss 30424, 30255, 31366
Lasonic 31798, 31510
Lenoxx 31437
Lexicon 31076
Linn 30189
Liquid Video 31497
Lloyd's 30195
LXI 30181
Magnavox 31189, 31269, 30189, 30128,
30391, 30195, 31089, 31514,
Marantz 31189, 31269, 30039, 30189,
31089, 31289, 30200, 30128
MCS 30039, 30346
Memorex 31596
Mitsubishi 31393
Modulaire 30195
Musicmagic 31089
NAD 30320
Nakamichi 30347, 30097, 31555
NEC 30235
Norcent 31389
Onkyo 30135, 31298, 30842, 30380,
Optimus 31023, 30801, 31074, 30080,
30186, 30531, 30797, 30042,
30181, 30440, 30738, 30849,
30177, 30219, 30670
Oritron 31497, 31366
Panasonic 31518, 30039, 31548, 31764,
30518, 31350, 31763, 30367,
31316, 31509, 31633, 30309,
31288, 31363
Penney 30195
Philco 31390
Philips 31189, 31269, 30189, 31365,
31089, 31266, 31283, 30891,
31368, 30391, 31120, 31268
Pioneer 31023, 30150, 30630, 31184,
30080, 30531, 31084, 31384,
30244, 31343
Polaroid 31508
Polk Audio 30189, 31289
Proscan 31254
Qisheng 31609, 31390
Quasar 30039
RadioShack 31263
RCA 31023, 31609, 31254, 30346,
30531, 31154, 31511, 30080,
30530, 31074, 31390, 30054,
Realistic 30195, 30181, 30163
Regent 31437
Rio 31869, 31383
Saba 31519
Samsung 31500, 31295
Sansui 30189, 30346, 30193, 31089
Sanyo 30801, 30360, 31469, 30219,
Scott 30163, 30322
Sharp 31286, 30186, 31386, 31361
Sharper Image 31545, 31556, 30797, 31409,
31416, 31549, 31385, 31411,
31546, 31723, 31263, 31410
Sherwood 30491, 31423, 30062, 31077,
30502, 31653
Shinco 31390
Shinsonic 31426
Silsonic 30176, 31426
Sonic 30281
Sonic Blue 31383, 31869, 31532
Sony 31058, 31441, 31258, 31759,
30158, 31442, 31529, 31758,
31371, 31503, 31042, 31658,
31158, 31858, 31367, 31406,
31458, 30168, 31558, 31131,
31349, 31382
Soundesign 30670
Stereophonics 31023
Sunfire 31313, 30314, 30313, 31052
Tae Kwang 30440
Teac 30163, 31267, 31074, 31528,
30463, 31390
Technics 31308, 31518, 30039, 30518,
30309, 31309, 30208
Techwood 30281
Thorens 31189
Venturer 31390, 30849
Victor 30074
Wards 30158, 30189, 30080, 30054
Yamaha 30176, 30081, 31176, 31375,
30186, 31331, 31276
Yorx 30195
Zenith 31293, 30857, 30281, 31869