Index 125
call forwarding 102
call options 30
no service 115
See also phone
call waiting, turning on or off 102
deleting pictures 74
seeing pictures you’ve taken 73
taking pictures 73
capitalization, automatic 98
caps lock, enabling 98
car kit 41
carrier services 103
Cc 101
cell signal, status icon 14
cellular network 25
charging battery 27
cleaning iPhone 13, 28
Clock 87
clocks, adding 87
closed captioning, turning on or off 105
cloth, cleaning 13
Component AV cable 65
Composite AV cable 65
computer requirements 5
conference calls 30, 33
connecting to Internet 24
adding and editing on iPhone 37
adding email recipient 51
adding from Maps 83
adding from text messages 70
assigning photo to 77
entering 37
favorite 39
seeing location of 83
setting how displayed 101
syncing 7, 9
using to call someone 29
Yahoo! Address Book 9
controls, using 18
converting unprotected WMA files 117
converting videos 59
cookies 104
Cover Flow 62
current approximate location 81, 83
cursor. See insertion point
date and time, setting 96
date format 96
Debug Console 104
declining calls 32
alarms 88
all content and settings 99
calendar events 71
clocks 87
contacts 38
contacts from Favorites 39
email account 100
email messages 50
notes 90
pictures 74
playlists 63
songs from a playlist 63
videos 66
Yahoo! Address Book contacts 9
developer settings 104
directions, getting 83
disconnecting iPhone from computer 11
display freezes 116
displaying playback controls 61
dock 13
Dock Connector to USB cable 6, 13
downloading songs from iTunes Wi-Fi Music
Store 112
drafts, email 48
dropped pin 82
editing text 22
effects sounds, turning on or off 94
email accounts
free 47
setting up 47
syncing 7, 10
emergency calls 33
ending calls 23
equalizer 105
events, calendar 70
Exchange email accounts 47
calling a contact from 29, 39
managing 39
sending text messages 69
file formats, supported 50, 117
forecast. See weather
date, time, and telephone number 96
forwarding messages 48
general settings. See settings
getting help 122