Index 128
See also Camera, Photos
PIN number 103
playback controls, displaying 61
playlists, making 63
play speed, audiobooks 105
plug-ins 104
syncing 7, 10
transferring purchased content 59
See also music
POP email accounts 47
pop-ups 104
power, low 28
power adapter 13
previewing music 111
problems. See troubleshooting
purchased music, syncing 112
purchasing music 108, 111
reading email 49
recent calls 32
Recents, using to call someone 30
rechargeable batteries 28
removing the SIM card 119
rented movies 10, 65
repeating 61
replacing battery 28
replying to messages 48
requirements for using iPhone 5
resizing webpage columns 54
restoring iPhone software 120
Ring/Silent switch 23, 40, 93
adjusting volume 23, 94
turning on or off 94
ring mode 23, 40, 94
assigning to a contact 40
creating 40
setting 93
syncing 7, 10
RSASecurID 97
bookmarking webpages 56
clearing cache 104
cookies 104
Debug Console 104
developer settings 104
erasing text in address field 52
Home screen Web Clips 56
navigating 53
opening webpages 52, 55
plug-ins 104
pop-ups 104
reloading webpages 53
resizing columns to fit screen 54
searching the web 54
security 104
sending webpage addresses in email 53
settings 103
stopping webpages from loading 53
syncing bookmarks 7, 10
typing in text fields 55
zooming webpages 53
satellite view 82
screen 94
setting to adjust automatically 94
about 19
maps 82
webpages 54
search engine 103
iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store 109
searching the web 54
searching YouTube videos 78
setting passcode for iPhone 97
web 104
email 48, 101
photos from Photos 76
text messages 68
serial number, finding 95, 122
service and support information 122
airplane mode 91
alarms 87
alerts 70, 71, 100, 101
auto-lock 97
Bluetooth 41, 98
brightness 94
Calendar 71, 72
date and time 72, 96
deleting 107
developer 104
email account 10, 47, 99
email server 100
international 96
keyboard 98
language 96
Mail 47, 99, 101
passcode lock 97
Phone 101
Photos 76, 106
resetting 99