Web browser access 1 Introduction
555-233-001 — Issue 2 — November 2000
Web browser access
DEFINITY ONE can be administered through a web interface. Using a PEER WEB
server through a LAN connection, the administrator can download software (Message
Manager, DSA), connect to DEFINITY or Intuity, schedule a backup or look at
backup results, restore from a backup, and start PCanywhere to act as a console to
Call Accounting
Call Accounting controls communications costs with accurate reporting on calls
processed and effective cost-allocation methods. Call Accounting stores call records
from phone extensions and assigns costs to the calls. The system also creates ad-hoc
reports to manipulate call data and charge-back call expenses to clients or
departments. Detection of toll fraud and maintenance of call records are also features
of call accounting. Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) records are written in
real time to a file on the local hard disk. Because of ethernet connectivity, this
information is easily accessed from anywhere on the LAN or WAN.
Starter packages
DEFINITY ONE Starter Packages are designed to introduce simple, cost-effective
advanced applications that allow businesses to start small and grow. Starter Package
capacity can increase with business expansion.
The following Starter Packages are available:
• Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
The ACD Package can establish a call center operation with as few as six agents.
It includes the following features:
~ ACD distributes calls evenly among agents and provides advanced call-
handling capabilities
~ Basic Call Management System (BCMS) provides reports on the status of
agents, splits, trunks, and incoming calls.
The package can be upgraded to support up to 50 agents.
• Virtual Office
The Virtual Office Starter Package provides voice and data access for off-site
workers and telecommuters. This allows workers to remotely access a business
LAN or Internet. Users also can receive calls using the same number.