CentreVu Advocate
555-233-001 — Issue 2 — November 2000
5 Call Center
CentreVu Advocate
You can leverage your Call Center as a strategic business asset with Avaya’s
innovative CentreVu Advocate software solution. CentreVu Advocate, a DEFINITY
ONE feature, eliminates the chaos and randomness associated with call handling and
provides directed routing with customer-pleasing results. This breakthrough software
offers new methodology for aligning your enterprise objectives with agent and
management performance and customer needs.
With CentreVu Advocate, you can drive Call Centrically Center performance
according to your business plan. This application features expert routing algorithm
software from Bell Labs that lets you implement complex customer service, agent
resource, and enterprise planning strategies as a critical formula in Call Center
operations. With CentreVu Advocate, you can transform your Call Center into a
powerful strategic advantage for your enterprise. CentreVu Advocate works in
conjunction with and requires Expert Agent Selection (EAS).
Advocate will provide your Call Center with the most innovative methods and
enhanced flexibility in selecting the optimum agent for a call or the best call for an
agent. With CentreVu Advocate, you determine which call to select the moment an
agent becomes available.
CentreVu Advocate provides the following features:
• Service Objective
This capability enables you to establish a unique service objective for each skill in
your Call Center. Service Objective can be used to establish different levels of
service for multiple types of calls with various media and priority handling needs.
You can match the service levels your customers expect by combining the power
of your service-level plan with the power of Service Objective.
• Predicted Wait Time
Predicted Wait Time will enable your Call Center to predict service-affecting
events while minimizing the impact on your key Call Center metrics. By
balancing the average speed of call answering across skills, this feature provides
more uniform customer service levels. By matching the needs of your caller to the
skills of your agent, Predicted Wait Time ensures that all calls are given the best
possible service. Predicted Wait Time will help your Call Center build stronger
customer relationships and will improve your overall Call Center efficiency.
• Least Occupied Agent
This capability distributes calls evenly across all available agents in order to
balance the workload among those with few skills and those with several skills.
When one or more agents are available, Least Occupied Agent uses agent
occupancy rather than position in an idle agent queue to determine which agent to
select when a call arrives. Least Occupied Agent can help you maintain your staff
by promoting agent fairness and eliminating hot seats.