Chapter 6 Trunk Spans and Dialing Rules
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide Version 4.0 Page 6-9
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
The following “ver” screen shows three trunk groups configured for Billing
Digits. From the dialing rules it can be assumed that the customer required a
five-digit billing code for TrunkGroup 0. Because the Call Manager only
supports four digits, the “2” was added to the dialing rule. This of course
means that the billing digits will always begin with a “2.” (21234, 29877,
Also note that on Trunk Group 0 and 1, the TSP is instructed to wait for a
tone before pulsing out the “billing digits.” On Trunk Group 2, a four-second
pause is needed. Observe the upper case “P” plus the lower case “p” equals
four seconds (three seconds plus one second).
Enter Command->
SER Solutions - Dialing Rules
Version CPS_TSP500.02 004.11 August 11,2005 [tspdev2]
Country = USA
Uptime:(DDD:HH:MM:SS) 000:03:17:28
campoffset 0 stationoffset 0
trunkoffset 0 nstations 192
Nttrunks 960 mports 277
iwaittim 4 AreaDigits 3
PredTrunks 768 localwatt 0
Mediumwatt 0 longwatt 0
intlwatt 0 AMD RingCnt 1
Grp 0: DT2c, DT2c, dT2c, dT2c, dT2c, 011idT2c,
Grp 1: DTc, DTc, dTc, dTc, dTc, 011idTc,
Grp 2: DPpc, DPpc, dPpc, dPpc, dPpc, 011idPpc,
Grp 3: d, d, d, d, d, 011id,
Grp 4: d, d, d, d, d, 011id,
Default Billing Digits: 1234
• If a “T” or “t” is entered into the dialing rule, the TSP will timeout after
ten seconds if it has not detected a tone. The dial then fails. If it is a pre-
dictive dial, the “DI” message (incomplete) will be sent to the Call Man-
• Timeouts looking for tone (T or t) will bump the DialTO stat in the
“show error” screen. They will also be counted in the “Seize” column of
the Admin Terminal “show trunks” screen.
• Default Billing Digit assignments will be displayed in the “ver” screen.
• For Manual Dials, “post_digits” are not used. That is, the Manual Dial
does not process any dialing rule characters after the “d” or “D” in the
dial string. This allows callers to hear billing digit tones from the carrier.