Chapter 4 Features and Enhancements
Page 4-10 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
Collect DTMF Digits - Feature
The capability to collect Dual-Tone MultiFrequency (DTMF) digits from the
customer is available. Upon receiving a request to collect digits, the TSP500
optionally plays a voice message and collects the requested number of digits.
The TSP500 responds with a completion message when the digits have been
To support the collecting of digits, a new Protocol C Message
M_COLL_DIGIT has been defined. The M_COLL_DIGIT message requires
the number of digits to collect, and optionally the time to wait (in seconds)
before digit collection expires and the terminating key to end digit collection.
If a timeout value is not supplied, the timeout defaults to ten seconds. If a ter-
minating key is not supplied, the key defaults to the pound key (#). Addition-
ally, the M_COLL_DIGIT message permits the sending of a voice message to
be played while collecting digits. The voice message in the “key” field
descriptor and the “flag” field descriptor function the same as described in
“Text-To-Speech (TTS) Messages” section except that the message can be
interrupted by pressing a telephone digit key.
When the request has been satisfied or the timer has expired, a route request
(M_ROUTE_REQ) is sent to the Adjunct. This M_ROUTE_REQ message
has been modified to send a new result code, SWR_COLL_DIGIT_DONE,
indicating that digit collection completed. If digits have been collected, a
new field descriptor “user data” is filled with the digits collected and sent to
the Adjunct. The “user data” field descriptor is designated with the letter “u”.