24 AVWorks Installer/User Guide
To realign the mouse:
Click the Align Local Cursor button on the Viewer toolbar.
To reset the PS/2 connection:
1. Select Tools - Session Options in the Viewer. The Session Options dialog
box appears.
2. Click the Mouse tab.
3. Click the Reset PS/2 button. A dialog box appears prompting you to confi rm.
4. Click the Reset PS/2 Connection at the Device checkbox and click OK.
Using macros to send keystrokes to a device
The Macros menu in the Video Viewer allows you an easy way to send
multiple keystrokes to the server or to send keystrokes that you cannot
generate without affecting your local system, such as Control-Alt-Delete. The
Viewer provides a list of default keystroke selections; however, you may set up
your own macros, as well as change the set that displays by default, by
selecting the Configure option at the bottom of the Macros pulldown menu.
Figure 3.11: Viewer Macro Menu Expanded
Sending keystrokes to a device
Select the Macros menu in the Viewer and choose the macro to send to the
server. Figure 3.11 shows the default macros that ship with AVWorks. If you do
not see the keystroke you need, select Configure to access the Macros dialog
box. Here you can create, modify, delete and group macros.