46 AVWorks Installer/User Guide
Viewing and Configuring Appliance Parameters
The Settings tab allows you to display an expandable list of categories covering
a wide range of parameters for your appliance. When a category is selected
from the list, the parameters associated with the category will first be read
from the unit, the local database or both. You will then be able to modify those
parameters and send the changes securely back to the appliance.
Changing global network and session parameters
The Global category allows you to view the product type, part and serial number
and language setting for the appliance. If you select the Network sub-category,
you will be able to change the network settings including the IP address, subnet
mask, gateway, LAN speed and BootP setting. If you select the Sessions sub-
category, you can enable the session time-out to allow the appliance to close an
inactive video session after a specified number of minutes.
Setting up user accounts
When you select the Users category for the first time, the AMP will retrieve and
display a list of usernames and current access levels from the appliance. You
can add, modify or delete users in this listing. You can assign three access
levels: User, Administrator and Appliance Administrator. The User Access
level allows you to assign individual server access rights to a user.
User Access Level Rights
Operations MA Admin User Admin User
Preemption All Equal and lesser Equal and Lesser
Confi gure network & global settings
(security mode, time-out, SNMP) Yes No No
Reboot Yes No No
FLASH upgrade Yes No No
Administer user accounts Yes Yes No
Confi gure port settings Yes Yes No
Monitor server status Yes Yes No
Break Yes Yes Yes
Target Device Access Yes Yes Assigned by Admin