Billion BiPAC 8500/8501/8520/8521 SHDSL (VPN) Firewall Bridge/ Router
Chapter 4: Configuration
Advanced VLAN Setup Example (Triply Play)
Ethernet Port 1, Wireless and Wireless WDS are reserved for Internet
- On Ethernet port 1 I also need VC 0/40 bridged.
Ethernet ports: 2, 3 and 4:
- 0/33 Bi-directional IP
- 0/34 Video
- 0/35 Video
- 0/36 Video Subscriber Services (EPG, EAS, etc.)
- 0/37 Video
- 0/38 Video
- 0/39 Spare
Step 1: Setup Member Ports
Go to Configuration
Bridge Interface.
You can setup member ports for each VLAN group under Bridge Interface section. From the
example, two VLAN groups need to be created first.
Ethernet: P1 (Port 1)
Ethernet1: P2, P3 and P4 (Port 2, 3, 4) Please uncheck P2, P3, P4 from Ethernet VLAN Port
Note: You should setup each VLAN group with caution. Each Bridge Interface is arranged
in this order.
Bridge Interface VLAN Port (Always starts with)
Ethernet P1 / P2 / P3 / P4
Ethernet1 P2 / P3 / P4
Ethernet2 P3 / P4
Ethernet3 P4
Step 2: Create WAN Interface
Go to Configuration
wanlink is the factory default WAN interface which provides service for data/internet access. If
your ISP uses this access protocol, click Edit to input other parameters if needed. If your ISP
does not use PPPoE, you can change the default WAN connection entry by clicking Change.