• Auto Recovery: Enables/Disables the Auto Recovery feature for the
selected unit. When both Load Shedding and Auto Recovery are enabled, the
Outlet Managed PDU will return plugs to their former On/Off state after the
temperature falls below the Alarm Clear Threshold value. This allows the
Outlet Managed PDU to "undo" the effects of the Load Shedding feature after
the temperature returned to an acceptable level. (Default = Off.)
• Plug Access: Determines which Plug(s) will be switched when the
temperature exceeds the Alarm Set Threshold and Load Shedding is
triggered. For example, if plugs A1, A2 and A3 are selected, these plugs
will be switched On or Off whenever the temperature exceeds the Alarm Set
Threshold. (Default = undened.)
• Plug Group Access: Determines which Plug Group(s) will be switched
when the Load Shedding feature is triggered. (Default = undened.)
Plug Groups must first be defined (as described in Section 5.6)
before they will be displayed in the Load Shedding menu’s Plug
Group Access submenu.