CHAPTER 8: The Status Screens
8. The Status Screens
The Status Screens are used to display status information about the switched outlets,
Network Port, Plug Groups, Current and Power Metering and the Alarm Log and
Audit Log. The Status Screens are available via both the Text Interface and Web
Browser Interface.
8.1. Product Status
The Product Status Screen lists the model number, power rating, input line count,
input line frequency and software version for your Outlet Managed PDU. To display
the Product Status Screen via the Text Interface, type /J * and then press [Enter].
To display the Product Status Screen via the Web Browser Interface, click on the
"Product Status" link. The Product Status Screen lists the following items:
• Product: The make/model number of the Outlet Managed PDU.
• Rating: The current rating, in Amps.
• Line Count: The number of power line inputs included on the Outlet
Managed PDU.
• Branch Count: The number of power branches present on the Outlet
Managed PDU.
• Line Frequency: The line frequency in Hertz.
• SW Version: The software version that is currently installed on the Outlet
Managed PDU.
• RAM: The amount of RAM memory installed on the Outlet Managed PDU.
• Flash: The Amount of Flash memory installed on the Outlet Managed PDU.