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Chapter 5: Advanced Commands
5.2.1 Transmitter
To change the multicast group IP, type in:
astparam s multicast_ip 225.0.B0.B1B2B3
To change the hostname ID of the transmitter, type in:
astparam s hostname_id B0B1B2B3
ast_send_event -1 e_chg_hostname
To override DIP rotary switch setting on bootup:
astparam s reset_ch_on_boot n (space between boot and the n)
astparam save
5.2.2 Receiver
To change the multicast group IP, type in:
astparam s multicast_ip 225.0.B0.B1B2B3
To change the transmitter channel read:
astparam s ch_select B0B1B2B3
To override DIP rotary switch setting on bootup, type in:
astparam s reset_ch_on_boot n (space between boot and the n)
astparam save
5.3 Serial Extension
Serial extension can be done from one transmitter to all linked receivers. Telnet serial
extension is also available as a replacement of serial. Serial extension information:
Default baud rate: 9600 (unless changed manually)
Data bits: 8
Parity: Even
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
NOTE: This is a two-way communication. The transmitter will receive any data sent
from the serial devices connected to the receivers.