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Chapter 7: Video Wall Features
Table 7-3. Advanced Commands screen components.
Component Description
Screen Layout
(Row x Column)
Select the number of rows and columns from the
drop-down menu, then click on the “Apply” button.
Row Position
Select the row from the drop-down menu, then click
on the “Apply” button.
Column Position
Select the column from the drop-down menu, then
click on the “Apply” button.
Horizontal Shift
(N*8 pixels)
Use to shift video output horizontally, then click on
the “Apply” button.
Vertical Shift
(HOST: N pixels
CLIENT: N*8 pixels)
Use to shift video output vertically, then click on the
“Apply” button.
Horizontal Scale
Up (N pixels/
Use to scale video output horizontally, then click on
the “Apply” button.
Vertical Scale Up
(N pixels/
Use to scale video output vertically, then click on the
“Apply” button.
Tearing Delay (µs)
Use to compensate for screen tearing, then click on
the “Apply” button.
Console API
Type in the Console API Command, then click on the
“Apply” button.